Michael Zhiguo Kong

Full Stack Java Developer

I am a professional Web Developer and Java Developer who creates modern and responsive web applications. I am happy to work on any part of the application stack and put an emphasis on open and effective communication. Let's work together!

Let's Begin

My Work

Java Programming

I am a Sun certified Java Developer and I have worked with various Java related technologies such Spring, Struts, JPA, Hibernate, Jackson, Maven, Junit, Log4J, GWT, Apache Wicket, JSP and Servlet.

Web Programming

I build interactive websites with HTML, CSS, Less, Sass, JavaScript and Bootstrap. Experienced with majore JavaScript Frameworks such as AngularJS, ReactJS, Node.js, Vue.js, and Backbone.


I have worked with major databases including MS SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL and MongoDB. I have used Hibernate, iBATIS, JPA, Spring Data for persistence. Proficient in writing queries with SQL, HQL and Criteria.

My Portfolio

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Wholesale and Retail Online Shop

Project Manager for a multinational wholesaler and online retailer. Coordinated all implementation tasks involving third party vendors, the company management and an off shore development team in Shanghai, China.

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Property Transfer Tax for Chicago Governments

Maintained and enhanced a web based tax filing application written in Apache Wicket. Oversaw daily processing and provided real time technical user support.

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Blue Cross Blue Shield 2016 Online Enrollment

Full Stack developer for a fully responsive mobile friendly website for Insurance Producers to track, quote, and manage various policies. The application uses ReactJS and Flux to make API calls to multiple BCBS Web Services for data.

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Local Startup Serves Chicago's Western Suburbs

Web Developer and Partner for a local start up that sells fresh organic farm produces and does door to door delivery.

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Internal Portfolio Management Tools

Full Stack Developer for a custom web application written in BackBone.js and Java Spring Framework that provides various tools in tracking funds, managing cash flow and helping users making investment decisions.

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Sales Forecasting System

Full Stack Developer for a 24-month rolling revenue forecast system using AngularJS for front end and consumes a Spring RestFul Web Service.

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Multi-channel Payment Processing

Web/SQL Developer for a startup company that provided petty cash payment processing service. Added various user interactive features using JQuery. Used iBaits to enable the application running on both Qracle and MySql.

My Profile

Name Michael Kong

Phone 917 488 6610

Email zgkong@gmail.com

Website www.zhiguokong.com

Technical Skills

I am a certified (SCJP) Java developer experienced in software analysis, design, development, testing, and production support.

JAVA 100%


SQL 100%

HTML5 80%

This is me

Full Stack Developer

My name is Michael Kong. I'm a full stack Java Developer. I build websites all the way from back end databases to front end user interfaces. Being a New Yorker for over ten years, I moved to Chicago five years ago to break away from the hustle and bustle of the big Apple. Although I enjoy the friendly laid-back mid-western atmosphere, I still have a New York attitude when it comes to work. I always put my job first, and I am willing to put forth extra effort to finish the task at hand. I always pride myself on perfection.

Drop me a line